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In December 2022, there were two recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali which resulted in 11 civilian casualties, nine of whom were killed and two injured. Civilian casualties included at least seven women. There were no armed-actor casualties recorded in Mali in December.

The highest casualty incident occurred on 03December 2022, when eight civilians, including seven women, were killed in an IED explosion against a cart carrying people in Kolongo, Segou. 

Sources: ECHO


November 2022


In November 2022, there were no recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali which resulted in civilian casualties. Nine armed-actor casualties were recorded in Mali in November, all of whom were injured. 

On 5November 2022, six United Nations peacekeepers were injured when vehicles hit roadside IEDs in Douentza. 

Sources: AP, North Africa Post


October 2022


In October 2022, there were four recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali, two of which resulted in 67 civilian casualties, 14 of whom were killed and 53 injured. At least three civilian casualties were reportedly children. Civilians accounted for 54% of all 123 recorded casualties, as 56 armed-actor casualties were also recorded, 54 of whom were killed and two injured. 

The highest casualty incident occurred on 13 October 2022, when 11 civilians were killed and 53 injured when their bus hit a roadside IED between Bandiagara and Goundaka, in Mopti.

Sources: Al Jazeera, North Africa Post, AFP


September 2022


In September 2022, there were no recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali which resulted in civilian casualties. Three armed actors were injured in one incident in Mali in September. 

On 11 September 2022, three UN peacekeepers were injured when their vehicle hit a landmine between Ber and Timbuktu, Tombouctou.

Sources: BBC, AFP


August 2022


In August 2022, there were two recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali, which resulted in 14 civilian casualties, all of whom were killed. Civilians accounted for 18% of all 78 casualties, as 64 armed-actor casualties were also recorded, 42 of whom were killed and 22 injured. 

The highest casualty incident occurred on 05 August 2022, when at least 10 civilians were killed by a bomb in Ouakan, central Mali. Insurgents rigged two civilians' bodies with explosives, and detonated them when relatives and friends came to look for them.

Sources: AFP


July 2022


In July 2022, there were no recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali which resulted in civilian casualties. One recorded incident of explosive weapon use resulted in seven armed actor casualties, two of whom were killed and five injured. 

On 05 July 2022, two Egyptian UN MINUSMA peacekeepers were killed and five injured in a roadside IED explosion in Gao. The perpetrators were unknown.

Sources: Reuters, Alarabiya, Daily Sabah


June 2022


In June 2022, there were four recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Mali, one of which caused six civilian casualties, all of whom were killed. Civilians accounted for 33% of casualties of explosive weapon use in Mali in June, as three armed actors were also killed and nine injured. 

On 02 June 2022, six civilians were killed in an IED explosion at a market in Mopti when a cart ran over a small bomb. 

Sources: AFP



May 2022


In May 2022, there were no recorded civilian casualties from explosive weapon use in Mali. There were two recorded incidents of explosive weapon use which resulted in 14 armed-actor casualties, four of whom were killed and 10 injured. 

On 12 May 2022, four Malian soldiers were killed and one was injured in an IED explosion in Mopti. On 28 May 2022, nine UN peacekeepers were injured in an IED explosion on a road in Aguelhok. In both cases, the unknown perpetrators are assumed to be non-state actors. 

Sources: APA, Pana, Al Mayadeen, Frontier Post


April 2022


In April 2022 there were five incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Mali which caused no civilian casualties and 42 armed-actor casualties, 22 of whom were killed and 20 injured.

On 14 April 2022, 12 militants were killed in state-perpetrated airstrikes in Moura. On 24 April 2022, Katibat Macina suicide attacks in a military camp in Sevare, Mopti, killed six soldiers. 

Sources: Crisis Group, AFP, Counter IED Report, Reuters, AFP


March 2022


In March 2022, there were no civilian casualties of explosive weapon use in Mali. There was one recorded incident of explosive weapon use on 4 March 2022, in which 27 Malian soldiers were killed and 33 wounded in a car bomb attack on an armed base in Mondoro, Mopti. The attack was perpetrated by non-state actors, though the specific group was unknown.

Sources: Al Jazeera, Ripples Nigeria


January 2022


In December 2021, there were no recorded civilian casualties of explosive weapon use in Mali. There were two recorded incidents of explosive weapon use which resulted in 25 armed-actor casualties. The highest casualty incident took place on 8 December 2021, when seven peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) were killed and three injured when their convoy hit an improvised explosive device in the region of Bandiagara. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast. 

Sources: Al Jazeera, ANI


January 2022


In January 2022, there were no recorded civilian casualties of explosive weapon use in Mali. There was one recorded incident of explosive weapon use on 23 January 2022, when one French soldier was killed and nine other armed-actors injured in a mortar attack on an armed base in Gao.

Sources: RFI, Reuters, MENAFN


October 2021


In October 2021, there were no recorded civilian casualties of explosive weapon use in Mali. There were, however, two incidents that caused 58 armed-actor casualties, including 37 fatalities and 21 injuries, both involving the use of IEDs. In the highest casualty incident, on 6 October 2021, 16 Malian soldiers and 30 armed militants were killed, and 17 other armed-actors wounded, in an IED attack in Bodio, Mopti. 

Sources: Al Jazeera, Republic Worl


September 2021


There was one incident of explosive weapon use in Mali in September 2021, resulting in the death of four armed actors. On 20 September, four Malian soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in the Mopti region. 

Sources: AFP


July 2021

On 9 July 2021, seven UN peacekeepers were injured when their vehicle hit an IED in the Mopti region in Mali. Sources: Punch, CGTN Africa.


June 2021

In June 2021, there were twenty-one armed-actor casualties across two incidents in Mali. There were no reported fatalities, all casualties were injuries from the use of directly emplaced weapons, specifically a car bomb and roadside bomb. In one incident, 13 UN soldiers (12 German) were injured in a car bomb attack in Tarkint. In the second incident, eight soldiers were injured by a roadside bomb in Douentza. Source: Guardian, The Economic Times, UrduPoint.