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December 2022


In December 2022, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Kenya, one of which resulted in one civilian death. Seven armed-actor casualties were also recorded, three of whom were killed and five injured.

On 21 December 2022, two police officers and one civilian were killed in an IED, RPG, and firearm attack by Al Shabaab on a police vehicle in Garissa.

Sources: Nairobi News, CGTN


August 2022


In August 2022, there were no recorded incidents of explosive weapon use which resulted in civilian casualties in Kenya. Three armed-actor casualties were recorded, all of whom were injured. 

On 02 August 2022, three policemen were injured in an IED and rifle attack by suspected Al Shabaab militants on a police station in Mandera. The policemen were injured by shrapnel from the IED. 

Sources: AllAfrica, GeoPioneer, Kenya Times


July 2022


In July 2022, there was one recorded incident of explosive weapon use in Kenya which resulted in three civilians being injured. There were no incidents that resulted in armed-actor casualties in July. 

On 14 July 2022, three construction workers were injured when their vehicle ran over an IED planted by unknown actors in Mandera county. 

Sources: The Star, Hiiraan


June 2022


In June 2022, there were no recorded incidents of explosive weapon use in Kenya which resulted in civilian casualties. There was one incident that resulted in three armed-actor casualties, all of whom were injured. 

On 05 June 2022, three police officers were injured in a roadside bomb explosion in Garissa, while they were escorting a parliamentary candidate.

Sources: The Star, The Standard



March 2022


In March 2022, there was one incident of explosive weapon use recorded in Kenya, which caused three civilian casualties, all of whom were injured. There were no recorded armed-actor casualties. 

On 13 March 2022, three employees of a construction company were injured when their vehicle struck an improvised explosive device on a road in Banisa, Mandera. The device was reportedly planted by members of Al-Shabaab.

Sources: The Star, Nation


February 2022


In February 2022, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Kenya, which caused nine civilian casualties, eight of whom were killed and one injured. There were no recorded armed-actors casualties. 

On 2 February 2022, four civilians were killed in an IED blast on Wajr-Gerille road. On 10 February, four civilians were killed in an IED blast in Garissa county.

Sources: CGTN, All Africa, The Star



January 2022


In January 2022, there were three incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Kenya, one of which caused 18 civilian casualties, 13 of whom were killed and 5 injured. Civilians accounted for 49% of the total 37 casualties, as 19 armed-actors were also killed. 

The incident in which 18 civilian casualties were recorded occurred on 31 Janurary 2022, when a passenger bus hit a roadside bomb in Mandera, killing 13 people and injuring five others, including one child. The perpetrating group was not reported.

Sources: VOA, Anadolu Agency


December 2021


In December 2021, there was one incident of explosive weapon use recorded in Kenya, which resulted in three civilian casualties and one armed-actor casualty. On 7 December 2021, a man affiliated with al-Shabaab detonated an explosive vest in a home, killing himself, a couple (man and woman), and injuring their daughter in Nyakach, Kisumu county. 

Sources: The Star, AllAfrica


November 2021


In November 2021, there was one incident of explosive weapon use recorded in Kenya that caused three civilian casualties, two of whom were injured and one killed. 

On 1 November 2021, a conservation ranger was killed and two other people injured when their vehicle hit an IED, which was suspected to be planted by al-Shabaab, in Sankuri, Lamu. 

Sources: All Africa, The Star


October 2021


In October 2021, there were no recorded civilian casualties of explosive weapon use in Kenya. There were, however, six armed-actor casualties in one incident, in which a vehicle carrying Kenyan Defence Forces soldiers hit an IED, in Boni, Lamu, injuring six soldiers. 

Sources: The Star, Xinhu


September 2021


In September 2021, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use in Kenya, one of which caused two civilian fatalities, both children. On 21 September, the two children died from a victim-activated grenade blast after mistaking the explosive for a toy in a village in Merti, Isiolo. 

Sources: AllAfrica, K24


July 2021

There was one civilian casualty from explosive weapon use in Kenya in July. On 10 July, a grenade targeting a civilian woman was thrown in a bar in Isiolo, injuring an off-duty Kenyan Defense Forces soldier. Sources: The Standard, AllAfrica.


June 2021

There were five casualties from one incident of explosive weapon use in Kenya in June, when a Kenya Wildlife Service vehicle hit a roadside bomb reportedly planted by al- Shabaab militants in Mandera. Three civilians were killed and one injured. Source: ANI, Xinhua.


May 2021

In Kenya there were 14 casualties from explosive weapon use, all roadside bombs, across three incidents. Eight people died, of which three were civilians, and seven people were injured, including one civilian. On 3 May in Lamu county near the border with Somalia, two civilians were killed and one injured when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb, allegedly placed by al-Shabaab militants. Source: DT Next, Xinhua Net