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December 2022


In December 2022, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan, one of which resulted in four civilian injuries. Civilians accounted for 40% of all 10 casualties, as six armed-actor casualties were also recorded, one of whom was killed and five injured. 

On 14 December 2022, one soldier was killed, and three soldiers and four construction workers were injured, in an explosion of an anti-tank mine in Chiragli village, Kalbajar.

Sources: Trend, Vestnik Kavkaza, News AZ


November 2022


In November 2022, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan, one of which resulted in one civilian injury. One armed actor was also injured in Azerbaijan in November. 

On 5 November 2022, a man was injured in a mine explosion while working in a pasture near Karmir village.

Sources: News am


October 2022


In October 2022, there were five incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan, which resulted in nine civilian casualties, one of whom was killed and eight injured. There were no armed-actor casualties recorded in Azerbaijan in October. 

The highest casualty incident occurred on 08 October 2022, when three civilians were injured in a mine explosion while engaged in construction and repair work in Aghdam.

Sources: Azer News, Trend AZ, Trend AZ II


September 2022


In September 2022, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan, one of which resulted in two civilian casualties, both of whom were killed. Civilians accounted for 4% of all 52 casualties, as 50 armed-actor casualties were also recorded, all of whom were killed. 

On 30 September 2022, two men were killed in a landmine explosion in Yukhari village, Fuzuli.

Sources: TrendAZ, Sia 


August 2022


In August 2022, there were four incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan, one of which resulted in one civilian injury. Civilians accounted for 20% of all casualties, as four armed-actor casualties were also recorded, two of whom were killed and two injured. 

On 30 August 2022, an Azerbaijani deminer was injured in a landmine explosion in Gubadli.
Sources: AzerNews


July 2022


In July 2022, there were no incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan which resulted in civilian casualties. One armed actor was injured. 

On 26 July 2022, an Azerbaijani soldier was injured in a landmine explosion in Kalbajar.  

Sources: Trend, AzerNews


June 2022


In June 2022, there were two incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan which resulted in two civilian casualties, both injuries. There were no recorded armed-actor casualties.

On 08 June 2022, one civilian was injured in an accidental mortar explosion at a Ministry of Defence plant, in Shirvan, and on 17 June 2022, one civilian deminer was injured in a landmine explosion in Jabrayil. 

Sources: AzerNews, APA, AzerNews II, News.AZ


May 2022


In May 2022, there were three incidents of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan which resulted in the death of one civilian and the injury of two armed actors.

On 12 May 2022, one civilian was killed in a landmine explosion in Aghdam. 

Sources: AzerNews



April 2022


In April 2022, there was one incident of explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan, which resulted in the death of one civilian. There were no armed-actor casualties from explosive weapon use recorded in Azerbaijan in April.

On 22 April 2022, one civilian was killed by an anti-personnel mine in Gubadli. 

Sources: AzerNews, Trend



November 2021


In November 2021, there were eight reported incidents of explosive weapon use that caused eight civilian casualties in Azerbaijan. Of these, 7 were injured and 1 was killed. Civilians accounted for 50% of the total 16 casualties. 

Two civilian casualties occurred in populated areas, five took place in a location where population density was unclear, and one occurred in an area not reported as populated. The majority of civilian casualties, 75% (6) occurred in Nagorno-Karabakh, followed by one in Jabrayil and one in Eastern Zangezur. The location-types where civilian casualties occurred were roads (4), villages (2), and agricultural land (1). The location-type of one civilian casualty was unknown.

Four of the civilian casualties were caused by directly-emplaced weapons, specifically landmines, and four were caused by ground-launched weapons, specifically artillery shelling.

The highest casualty incident took place on 8 November 2021, when a man was killed and four other civilians injured while repairing a water pipe by Azerbaijani military shelling on Shusha, Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Sources: TASS, Caucasian Knot


August 2021

There was one incident of explosive weapon use in Azerbaijan in August 2021, resulting in one civilian casualty. On 30 August, a civilian was injured by a landmine blast in Takgaya, Dashkasan, near the border with Kelbajar region. Source: Azernews


July 2021

There were two incidents of explosive weapon use in Azerbaijan in July 2021, resulting in four casualties. One incident caused two civilian casualties and one caused two armed- actor casualties. On 21 July, two civilians were injured by a landmine blast in the Khojlay district of Upper Karabakh. Sources:


June 2021

On 4 June 2021, in Azerbaijan three people were killed in their vehicle and four injured by an anti-tank mine on a road in Kalbajar, west of Nagorno-Karabakh. All casualties were civilians, two were journalists and one a government official. Sources: Al Jazeera, CPJ.